Sunday 7 October 2012

SEPTEMBER Sunshine continues into OCTOBER

What a delight it has been to see September come to a close and October begin with record breaking dry sunny weather!
We have been busy in our classroom as students continue to learn and build literacy and numeracy skills.  Students have chosen to take advantage of our glorious weather by reading Current Affairs outside.  They discovered that we did, in fact, set a record for the driest September!  A Vancouver couple in their 80s also set a record for being the oldest people to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro.  AND, that Canada's natural resource of maple syrup was the target of a major theft in the East.  Students are discovering that news stories often turn into great geography lessons. 
Our display case highlighted a true homegrown hero with Terry Fox tshirts and pictures.  All classes participated in the Terry Fox run/walk. 
Lauren and Mrs. Baker
Justus ran the Terry Fox run twice!

Ms. Barnetson, Justus, Ms. Fuller and Mrs. Baker with Terry Fox 'Superman' tshirts!
In Science, we completed our first science experiment with 'Blobs in a Bottle'.  Students learned about density and chemical reaction and had a mini lava lamp to take home! 
Ode impressed with his 'Blobs in a Bottle'

Jacob, Nicola, Nick and Justus happy with their creations!
Semiahmoo BASES and Learning Centre students have registered for postcrossing.  Jacob and Mrs. Barnetson went shopping for some local postcards.  We wrote and sent 6 postcards to China, Germany, Finland, Holland, Massachusetts and Russia.  We, in turn, will receive 6 postcards from various locations in the world.  What a perfect way to practice our mapping skills in Socials!
Meet Jasmine
Jasmine is one of our senior peer tutors.  She is a grade 12 student.  Jasmine brings an enthusiastic, helpful spirit to our classroom.  Great SMILE too! 
We are Blessed to have Jasmine work with the students in our program. 
Meet Nicola

Nicola is our most junior peer tutor.  She is in grade 10.  We enjoy Nicola's easygoing, friendly personality.  Great fashion sense too!
We are lucky to have Nicola with us!
Meet Zola
Zola is one of our senior students.  She is in grade 12.  During Social Circles, we discovered that Zola has an extraordinarily beautiful singing voice.  She shared a dream that she had kept secret.  This was her desire to sing 'O Canada' on the school PA system. 
Zola wrote a letter to our principal, Mrs. Hadikin and was soon invited to her office. 

Mrs. Hadikin and Zola.

Zola's JOY after singing for Mrs. Hadikin. 
Zola's dream of singing 'O Canada' will become a reality in the coming weeks.  We couldn't be prouder of you Zola.  WAY TO GO!
This week, our display case transformed from Terry Fox's 'WITH A DREAM, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE' to Signs of FALL and THANKSGIVING.  Mr. Deutsch's class went searching for signs of Fall and found many gorgeous colored leaves.  Students wrote about their families friends, sports, peaceful country, school, pets and love that they are all THANKFUL for!  Mr. Deutsch's class made delicious ginger/molasses cookies and hot chocolate for everybody on Friday afternoon.  YUM!
Upcoming Events:
Corn maze field trip
Remembrance Day
Stay Tuned with us as we continue to BUILD a SOLID BASES!



  1. Congratulations Zola! You have grown into quite a young lady since coming to Semi in grade 8.
    Justus, I see marathons in your future.. maybe the "Tough Mudder". Go go go go
    Welcome to Semi Sue Fuller! We are glad to have you on our team. With Ryan Deutsch and You at the helm, this is turning into the best year ever! ...and our Peer Tutors?... they are absolutely the best and make SUCH a difference in the students day! Thanks! We certainly are alllll SOLID in 2012!
    Mrs. Parton.. a proud EA

  2. I really enjoyed reading your blog! The photos of our BASES students and students helping in the program were great!
